Alyx Baldwin
Design, Tech, Networks, ML
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @alyxmxe's 1 stories for 20 hours and 58 minutes.
Donald Bullers, Founder of Tuum Technologies where his teams develop software for an entirely decentralized Internet using Elastos.
Franck Jones, Jones looks to hi-jack comics & game semiotics to captivate readers interested in computer science and technology.
Sharmini R, #blockchain #DeFi #web3 Co Founder - @DeZy Advisor - @MysteriumNet; @Playform
Net Neutrality: Unbiased Internet Access for All! , At NetNeutrality.Tech we treat all data on the Internet the same way and all users have equal access to online content.
Denise Holt, Futurist | Advisor | Founder | Keynote Speaker | Active Inference AI & The Spatial Web