Bertrand Russell
There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it. Philosopher.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @bertrandrussell's 47 stories for 2 months 4 days 1 hours and 50 minutes.
Dracula Protocol , A unique vampire aggregation of the most popular yield farms under one token & vault.
TradingBull, First One-Stop Digital Assets Aggregator rewarding users in crypto and managed by the community via a Hybrid DAO.
Canine Cartel, A pack of 10,000 Canines—unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain
DeGate, Order Book DEX with ZK-Rollup on Ethereum
Rahul Sethuram, Enterpreneur and full-stack web/app/Ethereum developer. CTO of Connext Network.