BleuIO is Bluetooth Low Energy USB dongle that can be used to create BLE applications in the fastest and easiest way.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @bleuio's 3 stories for 1 days 10 hours and 48 minutes.
Ice or Fire, My name is Scott and I'm a programmer in Missouri. I write things in PHP, Python, Javascript, and SQL.
Azeez Ibrahim, Remote Full-Stack Web Developer | JavaScript | React & Redux | Ruby on Rails | Sinatra | Python | Flask and FastApi
Joe Gatt, I build security programs and defend networks. Sometimes with Python or Azure Functions.
Mohamed Fares Ben Ayed, Pythoneer, enthusiast about everything in python.
Grant Peach, Python Developer, XB1X/Switch Gamer, love computer history, Apple & The Internet. 🐍💻🎮🖥📱