expert in IT, telecom and security, author of a patent and three startups.. sometimes I share my thoughts with community
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @julik's 3 stories for 21 hours and 2 minutes.
Hack Marketing with HackerNoon for Businesses, Marketing is extra hard during bear market. Make it easier with HackerNoon.
Elena Obukhova, Mentor, Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, and Keynote Speaker in Blockchain & Fintech
Compunnel Digital, Compunnel Digital is driven to create and deliver business value by orchestrating a seamless experience for our clients.
Omnipresent, Omnipresent, a leading global employment services partner, enables businesses to hire talent globally.
Todd Green, Todd is a freelance writer specialising in business and education or focusing primarily on the meaning of life.